Day One

I’ll just jump right in. I’m beginning my first blog post with a dose of gratitude. Today I am grateful for the time and space to begin this new chapter. I am grateful to have an inspiring story to share with the world. I am grateful for this practice.


This past year was a busy one, full of throttle induced excitement. The highs and lows were exhilarating.  I spent the last few days of 2015 pulling a song right out of my belly. I was in heaven as I sat in my home studio, painting a landscape of sound to sing my song on. Between laying down the drum patches, bass, strings, bells, guitars…synth.. I took time out to practice my breath and yoga. I then got to work on my craft… singing. Singing transports me to another world entirely. To be able to create a song of my own design from start to finish in my own space is a DREAM COME TRUE. Of all of the gratitude I hold for the events of 2015, freedom to create in this fashion is my ultimate gratitude.  To date, this is the most fulfilled I have ever felt as an artist. It’s too good a feeling to have without sharing it with others.


So I begin a new chapter, fleshing out inner dialogue to the world wide web. It is a new medium for me to write in. For years I have challenged myself to consolidate my thoughts and feelings into phrases that I sing. It is now that I challenge myself to explore more candid expressions of my thoughts and feelings. I can be a little shy about sharing myself, but only to a degree. There is much more to my life than creating art… in fact a healthy percent of my life revolves around the experience of being inspired.


Truth be told, I am a lucid dreamer. I have been since I was a young girl. I have lived so vividly in my dream states that I have allowed myself to alter my waking state significant amounts. More recently I have been guided in my dreams to places that color my waking conscious in shades I didn’t really know existed. If I could recall my dreams from last night, I’d do my best to funnel them right on the page, but the details escape me somehow.


If I had a penny for every time someone told me I should audition for the Voice… I could buy myself a nice quartz crystal ball. It would tell me DON’T DO IT..  because it’s my story to tell, it’s my words to write, and it’s my song to sing.  Oh well, I never got any penny’s for all of the drunk music critics that I have bumped into at any of the bars or coffee houses that I have played in. Is that where the saying “I’ll give you my two cents” comes from? Well, when it comes to your two cents about my pipes.. save it for yourself.. unless you are Mutt Lange.. then, please.. by all means, give me your two cents, I’ll put it in my pipe and smoke it.




I guess I’ll leave it at that for now. I have some audio/visual samples that I have to figure out how to share on Word Press.. next time. XO Boston


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